Don't be afraid to accessorize!
Stone Glacier packs are designed around modularity. We do this with intent because we understand everyone prefers to pack differently or to carry water with different mediums or to organize their gear with various methods. Some of us are uber organized and others are content just tossing all our gear into the bag and hitting the trail. A system of modularity allows you to pick and choose your preferred accessories to keep your pack as ultralight as possible. We don't want to design pockets into our bags that you'll never use, or straps that become pointless for your style. Below are few of our team's favorite accessories that could help make your pack system perfectly customized for your individual preference.
The Stone Glacier Accessory Pocket is a favorite amongst SG employees for storing GPS units, range finders and other smaller accessories that require quick access. It can be attached to either side of our hip belts on any of our frames. Although we don't condone drinking while hunting we did find it important to note that a Coors Light fits perfectly inside!

The Stone Glacier Hydro Holster is one of our more overlooked but awesome accessories. It is designed to carry a 32 oz. Nalgene Bottle (or similar sized bottle) behind and below either of your arms for quick access to water. It easily attaches to your shoulder strap and lower compression strap and can be adjusted to customize the ride position. We know many guys that use a Hydro Holster in addition to an internal water bladder for those long backcountry hunts where water storage is essential.
Our Quick Release Sling may be the most simple yet most ingenious invention to come out of Stone Glacier. Designed to carry your rifle securely behind your right shoulder, the Quick Release Sling's real beauty is the ability it affords you to quickly detach and grab your rifle without having to take off your pack. As well, its design is so simple that it weighs virtually nothing, keeping your ultralight pack ultralight.

#4 Camp Pockets and Swing-Out Pockets
Pockets...everybody wants them and needs them but they add overall weight to your pack and can become a pain in the a$$ when you have too many of them that you can't find what you are looking for. So, we've made a common thing not so common and added a lot of functionality to the way we approach internal storage. First, our Camp Pockets and Swing-Out Pockets are designed of ultralight 30D Rip-Stop Silicone coated Nylon for reduced weight. Second, we choose a semi-transparent white color so you can see through the pockets to quickly find what you are looking for. And last but not least, we've designed these pockets to be installed in various spots in all Stone Glacier bags and made them removable so you can quickly attach and detach them when camping, cutting up an animal or doing whatever else you may be doing in which you need your essentials nearby by.